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Vice Patrons

Each year we recognise a number of our most dedicated and outstanding fundraising supporters and invite them to become Vice-Patrons of St. Michael’s Hospice for the coming year. Our Vice-Patrons are all involved in supporting the Hospice in so many ways through different events, activities and campaigns. Thank you so much to the following supporters for your devotion and tireless support to St. Michael’s.

The Vice-Patrons of St. Michael’s Hospice 2023/24

Tracey Adams Terry & Jeanne Hiscock
Robert Applin Emma Knill
Mary Bird Mark Lane
Nigel Bishop Mike Larby
Debby Bridger Alfredo & Eileen Lavorgna
Maria Bryant Jean Lynn
Steph Cameron Barbara Mahoney
Tim Clayton David Mason
Alison Clement Rebecca McCoy
Alan Cook Paul & Anne Mitchell
Mark Dolby Adele Neale
Lynn Earle Mike & Wanda Pincombe
Alex Edgson Gary Revell
Mark Farrow-Smith Susan Sanderson
Beryl Fletcher Francesca Skillett
Owen Ford Carly Skillett
Marion Foster Andrew Soundy
Pauline Gentry Graham Watling
Debbie Gilsenan Karen West
Clare Gould Liam & Laura Williams
Tony & Jenny Green Kathy Wilson
Steve Hayden
Basingstoke Deane Rotary Club
The Friends of St. Michael’s Hospice