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Our mission

St. Michael’s Hospice is driven by its mission, its vision and its values.

Our Mission Statement

St. Michael’s Hospice (North Hampshire) enables anyone faced with a life-limiting illness, their families and carers, to attain the highest possible quality of life by providing a choice of specialist care and support.

Our Vision. Our Values.

St. Michael’s Hospice (North Hampshire) will endeavour to influence and lead all aspects of palliative care provision in North Hampshire.

It will do this by working in partnership with all stakeholders, particularly service users, who will actively participate to develop and deliver services which, as far as possible, will be user led.

THRIVE values


  • Being accountable and keeping our commitments to others.
  • Building confidence through transparency and openness.
  • Respecting professional boundaries and advocating for peoples wishes.


  • Being open about our mistakes and seeing them as an opportunity to learn.
  • Transparent and compassionate in our messaging and our actions.
  • Communicating in a clear and inclusive manner to ensure full understanding.


  • Being mindful of self-care and making time for one another.
  • Understanding professional boundaries and respecting each other as competent in their field.
  • Celebrating the diversity of our skills.


  • Standing out in our community and influencing positive change.
  • Making a difference and achieving the best possible outcomes.
  • Ensuring our actions have long lasting benefits for the future of our community.


  • Recognising the role we play in our community and the importance that our community has to us.
  • Celebrating our successes and acknowledging our achievements.
  • Ensuring that everything we do is sustainable and efficient.


  • Being relevant, ambitious, and embracing opportunities and future challenges.
  • Creating an environment that promotes growth and staff development.
  • Working in an innovative and collaborative way to build lasting services for the future.

Our Strategic Plan 2020

Launched in 2020 our Strategic Plan aims to increase the reach of Hospice services and the quality of our care and focuses on these four strategic objectives.

Develop Sustainable Partnerships

  • Develop and maintain relationships in local health and social care
  • Develop user groups to improve services and respond to local needs
  • Build engagement programme to educate and promote our work in schools

Financially Balanced and Self-sufficient

  • Eliminate deficit operating budget
  • Increase income through additional sources to invest in enhanced services

Enhance Training, Education and Invest in our People

  • Build internal learning programme for all staff
  • Develop SMH as a training facility
  • Upskill local care professionals with the local catchment including care home programme

Invest and Extend our Services

  • Develop our Family Support Team
  • Enhance Community Services to include increased reach in Care Homes
  • Enhance Day Hospice Care
  • Implement electronic patient infrastructure