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Fundraise at School

There are many exciting ways to support St. Michael’s Hospice at school! This page provides all the information you need to get started!

Helping children understand what we do

We strongly believe it’s important for young people to understand, and be aware of, the Hospice movement and its valuable contribution to the local community. Raising money for our charity is a fun means of learning more about fundraising and the charity sector as a whole, and of course is a huge help to us.

We created this video which may be a good way to introduce the Hospice and what we do, to your pupils and give them some idea of where their money can help.

Request a talk with one of our Volunteer Community Ambassadors

We also have a team of Volunteer Community Ambassadors who love to give talks about the Hospice and how you can get involved.

Email to book a talk at your school.

Host your own Reindeer Run

Add a festive Reindeer Run to the the calendar this Christmas! You can choose when you do it, how far you run and how Christmassy you want to dress up!

Accumulator Challenge

Do you have a passion for business? Or want to hold your own fundraising event at school but don't have the cash to kick start it?

Fundraising at Schools Interest Form

"*" indicates required fields

What event would you like to hold?*
Let's keep in touch
Your support helps us care for people living with a life-limiting illness in North Hampshire and we look forward to keeping in touch with you sharing our news, activities and appeals. Please tick below if you would like to receive our emails too?