Below are some of the incredible fundraisers that took place during June, despite the terrible weather – our supporters dedication to the Hospice was never dampened! Thank you and well done to everyone who raised vital funds for our patients and their families across North Hampshire.

The Bolton Arms

The quiz participants of The Bolton Arms in Old Basing chose to support St. Michael’s Hospice for 3 months with the money raised from their quiz nights. The participants were very generous, not only donating the money from their entry fees to the Hospice but with most teams also donating their winnings back to the Hospice too! Across the 3 months they raised a amazing £1,215!

Snowdon Challenge

Our incredible supporter, Jodie, tackled Mount Snowdon in June, climbing to the summit in all the different weather Snowdon had to throw at her. The weather was not on her side, with thick clouds and rain for most of the trek, she made it to the top and was lucky to have a great view and raised a wonderful £200 for the Hospice! Congratulations, Jodie, for conquering this incredible challenge.

Sherfield Oaks Captains Day

The members of Sherfeild Oaks Golf Club held their annual Captain’s Day in June, with this years theme being costumes from books. The members did not disappoint with their costumes! Teams dressed up as Where’s Wally, Peter Pan, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Alice in Wonderland to name a few! Everyone was in great spirits and the day was a great success, with the club raising an incredible £8,900 in one day!

Hartley Wintney Festival

We were the benefitting charity at the Hartley Wintney Festival this year! It was an amazing day, with this years theme being ‘Our Sporting Life’ and the procession dressing up in different sports gear ready for the Olympics this summer. The groups looked amazing, with a lot of Olympic rings, football kits and gymnastics, but the Hartley Wintney Scouts really stole the show with their Kayaking float, every scout was drenched in water and they were towing multiple kayaks and were soaking each other with water pistols! The day was amazing, with us running out of our Water or Wine raffle and the chocolate or pen tombola going down really well with visitors. Collectively we raised an incredible £4,400!

Wyeford Open Gardens 

We had the annual Wyeford Open Garden event, with the entry fee being generously donated to the Hospice. Our wonderful volunteers manned the entrance stall and had a wonderful time, a highlight for them was having the opportunity to visit the beautiful gardens while they were there! Everything was out in bloom and looked amazing, and they raised an incredible £709 for the Hospice.

Race to the King

Our amazing supporter, Izabela, took on the Race to the King challenge in June, which is a 100km run across the South Downs. It was a tough challenge with the first 50km being very wet and windy but the second 50km was a lot kinder. She had an incredible time and managed to finish before nightfall, completing the race in under 14 hours!

Runcorn in Liverpool to St. Michael’s Hospice

A team of supporters came together to take on an amazing challenge, cycling all the way from Runcorn in Liverpool to St. Michael’s Hospice in Basingstoke. They wanted to take on this challenge due to the care that we gave to their mum, wife and friend, Louise at the end of her life. They chose to ride from Runcorn as this is where her son, Luke, lives, and took on the challenge over 4 days. They cycled over 250 miles, camping along the way, it was a tough challenge, but one that they will always cherish. They arrived at the Hospice on Louise’s birthday and were met with cheers from family, friends and the Hospice staff. Their incredible challenge has raised over £5,000 for the Hospice, smashing their original target by £2,000.

Cotswold Way Ultra Challenge

Two amazing supporters took on the 47km Cotswold Way Ultra Challenge in support of St. Michael’s Hospice in June, walking continuously throughout the day across the Cotsworlds. It was a tough day, with a 6am start, but they rose to the challenge and had a great time, meeting many people along the way. They raised a wonderful £1,442 for the Hospice!

Alton Victorian Cricket

We attended the Alton Victorian Cricket, which was a great family day out, where local businesses and groups put in teams to compete in the cricket to raise money for local causes. There were nine teams in total, all dressed up in Victorian outfits, ranging from chimney sweeps to Victorian nurses, and helped celebrate the start of Jane Austen week. Our tombola stall went down very well with the visitors, raising a wonderful £300 for the Hospice.

Open Garden

Our lovely supporter, Terry, opened her garden in June to help raise money for the Hospice. She has a beautiful garden that has won awards across the years, with many little pockets with different plants featured to give you many areas to explore. Luckily she had a wonderful team around her to get the garden looking beautiful before it opened, and the sun shone the whole day, encouraging visitors to stay for teas, coffees and cakes at from the house next door. There was almost 100 visitors who were incredibly generous with their donations, raising over £1,600 for the Hospice.

QMC Social Action Week

Students from Queen Mary’s Collage were given the challenge of raising £200 for a charity of their choice throughout their Social Action Week. We had 10 groups of students choose to support us, with them each taking on a different challenge to raise money. They were creative with their fundraising, including bake sales, cake donations, walking challenges and photography fundraisers to name a few, and collectively they raised an incredible £2,355 for the Hospice!

TD Synnex Golf Day

Supporting us with their Charity Golf Day at the stunning Foxhills Golf Club on Monday 3 June, TD Syntax helped to raise an incredible £5k for the Hospice. A special thanks to Steve Phipps for playing in the Charity team!

Exertis Endure24 Challenge

The team took on the mighty Endure24 challenge in Wasing Park on Saturday 29 June and completed a staggering 235 miles over 47 laps! Together they raised £1,655 for us.

Pulse Cash Flow Finance

A brave team from Pulse Cash Flow Finance climbed to the summit of Snowdon on Saturday 8 June in aid of the Hospice. They smashed their challenge and raised an amazing £450!

Thank you to all our inspirational community fundraisers who have committed their time, effort and talents to supporting the Hospice throughout May. Your hard work and dedication to the charity makes such a difference to patients and families across North Hampshire.