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Living Well, Living Better

Living Well, Living Better is one of the social groups we offer here as part of our Living Well Service.

‘The environment is so warm and welcoming, it’s great to chat with other people and learn new things!’

Our aim is to provide a safe, secure environment for you to feel that you can be more than your illness, whilst having the opportunity to build friendships and connections with others who may be experiencing a similar journey.
The group also offers an opportunity to engage in activities, should you wish to, as a distraction, such as crocheting, tabletop gardening, card making and much more.

You may already have a hobby or craft and want to share this amongst the group, or perhaps want to learn a new skill.

The group will be held at the Turner Centre, at St. Michael’s Hospice. This group is run for a total of 8 weeks, for up to 10 patients.
– Friday mornings: 10:00am – 12:00pm

‘I love coming each week, to see my friends and focus on something other than my illness’.