Below are some of the incredible fundraisers that took place during May – thank you and well done to everyone who raised vital funds for our patients and their families across North Hampshire!

Quiz Night

Our wonderful supporter, Jaymee, hosted her own quiz night to help raise funds for the Hospice. It was a great turn out with over 60 people attending to enjoy the range of subjects that tested their knowledge with friendly competition. Everyone was very generous on the night and raised a over £1,100!

Snowdon Climb

Mandy saw our Urgent Care Appeal that was launched in April and decided to turn her climb up Mount Snowdon with her friends into a fundraiser! Mandy was already planning on climbing Snowdon in May but when she saw our local appeal about our predicted costs for the year ahead being £600,000 more then the income we’ll be able to raise, she rose to the challenge and set up a fundraising page to support us. Mandy and her friends demonstrated true resiliance, reaching the summit when it was -2 degrees! Unfortunately, due to the fog, they didn’t get to see very much, but they were thrilled to have made it and made a difference for the Hospice. Mandy raised a wonderful £385!

Charity Music Night

Members of the Wote Street Club in Basingstoke came together to hold a charity music night in memory of their friend, Chris and his love of music. They had lots of different genres of music playing, from Soul to Ska, and held it free to attend with any donations given on the night coming to the Hospice. People were incredibly generous with their donations, raising almost £700 for the Hospice.

Memorial Rugby Match

The members of Kingsclere Rugby Club came together to host a charity rugby match to raise money in memory of their friend and former member, Steve. Steve was a core part of their team, so the members and Steve’s family came together to organise a fundraiser to raise money for the Hospice to say thank you for all the support they received. The day was a huge success, with teams from both sides being very generous with buying raffle tickets and refreshments. The day raised an incredible £1,400!

Netball Match

The annual Nina Day Netball Tournament took place in May, with the sun shining on the players for the day! They had 20 teams turn up to take part – which is the most teams they have ever had attend, and despite the very hot weather everyone had a really good day! We are so lucky to have events like this that happen every year, thank you so much to all of those who took part!

Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge

Our incredible supporter, Kasia, took on the 100KM Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge to raise funds for the Hospice in appreciation of the end-of-life care and support we gave to her children’s father. Kasia was full of enthusiasm and had done plenty of training before the day, completing the challenge in a great time. She raised an incredible £746, which will help us greatly to continue to provide vital care and support.

Goring Gap Challenge

Our wonderful supporter, Jackie, took on the Goring Gap challenge in May to help raise money for the Hospice. She walked the route with a couple of friends, and despite the day being warm and humid she had a great time and had a very enjoyable day. Jackie raised a wonderful £800 for the Hospice which is incredible!

Great Bristol Run

We had a number of wonderful supporters take on the Great Bristol Run for us this month, which is a particularly challenging route because of all the hills! It was the hottest day in May and so many people along the route had to stop due to dehydration and heat stroke, but our supporters stayed hydrated and kept going, completing the challenge in good times. Collectively they raised a wonderful £826 for the Hospice!

Netball Tournament

We had the second Margaret Mann Netball Tournament over the second bank holiday weekend in May, which was a huge success! They had 27 teams turn up to play over the two days and everyone was incredibly generous with their donations. Unfortunately, the weather was so bad on the Sunday that they had to cancel the matches half way through the day, but everyone left in good spirits and had an amazing time.

Duck Race

Following a talk by one of our new Volunteer Community Ambassadors, Basingstoke Loddon Rotary were inspired to support St. Michael’s Hospice by making us their main beneficiary of their annual Duck Race in May. It was a very popular day with a lot of people attending and buying ducks and raffle tickets, and the Rotary were able to support us with an incredible donation of £2,000! They worked so hard to promote the event, from selling raffle tickets on the day and their promotion days (where they were accompanied by Donald Duck!). We are so grateful that they chose us to support – thank you Basingstoke Loddon Rotary!

Tesco Chineham Collection

Our wonderful volunteers helped collect from the public in Chineham’s Tesco in May, and also helped us promote our Summer Memories campaign by handing out leaflets. Supermarket collections are not easy work but our fantastic volunteers were very happy to support and the public were incredibly generous with their donations, the whole day to raise an amazing £629.11 for the Hospice!

Glamox Car Wash

Glamox, a local lighting solutions company near the Hospice, held a company car wash in aid of the Hospice in May. Staff pitched in washing and shining staff members cars ready for the sunshine and raised an incredible £400 for us!  

CRN Corporate Fight Night

Dan Pontone from Exertis became Dan ‘the Don’ Pontone as he competed in the CRN Corporate Fight Night in aid of the Hospice in May! Dan trained for months in preparation of his fight – and all that hard work paid off as he was awarded ‘Fighter of the Night’ and raised over £1,600 for St. Michael’s Hospice!

We are immensely grateful to Webmart’s Community and Charitable Cash Pot for their kind donation of £100 towards our Hospice’s vital services. Your support helps us continue our mission and make a positive impact in the North Hampshire community.

Thank you to all our inspirational community fundraisers who have committed their time, effort and talents to supporting the Hospice throughout May. Your hard work and dedication to the charity makes such a difference to patients and families across North Hampshire.