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Bereavement Services

The death of someone significant can be one of the most challenging and painful life experiences we face. Grief is often described as a roller coaster of emotions and it can be hard to make sense of our feelings and reactions and see a way forward after a loss.

Our Bereavement Support Services are offered to those that have to cope with grief after loss. As well as one-to-one counselling we offer various support groups including Bereavement Evenings where you can meet up with others going through a similar experience.

While the support of family and friends can be invaluable, for different reasons this may not always be possible. If you have experienced the loss of someone who was being cared for by St. Michael’s Hospice services we can provide the following bereavement support:

  1. Bereavement Evening
    A one-off, two-hour informal group session providing you with information about grief and loss and an opportunity to meet with others experiencing loss, in a caring and supportive atmosphere. It can be comforting to know that you’re not alone in your feelings and to meet others who are facing a similar situation can be a positive step in coping with loss.
  2. Bereavement Counselling
    One-to-one counselling offers you a confidential space to talk through your experience.
  3. Bereavement Coffee Morning
    Our bereavement coffee mornings offer a welcoming and friendly space to meet and talk with others going through something similar to yourself. There is no need to book a place, just turn up and feel free to bring a friend. We have two coffee mornings available in Basingstoke and Alton:

    Basingstoke Coffee Morning

    Held the last Friday of the month from 11am to 12:30pm at St. Michael’s Hospice.

    NEW Alton Bereavement Coffee Morning – Starting 11 November 2024
    Held the second Monday of the month from 11am to 12:30pm at Alton Maltings.

  4. Bereavement Walk and Talk
    Held the third Friday of each month. Meet at the Hospice at 10.15am for a leisurely 40-minute walk followed by refreshments. Unfortunately, dogs and children are not permitted, but feel free to bring a friend.
  5. The Bereavement Journey Course: A Place to Talk 

    The Bereavement Journey is for anyone who has been bereaved at any time and in any way.  This 7-week course is available to all those who have had contact with St. Michael’s Hospice. Our next course is starting on Wednesday 19 March from 10am to 12pm. For more information or to book a place please email or call 01256 848892

    Topics include:

    Attachment, separation and loss

    The pain and responses of grief

    Anger and guilt

    Coping with others’ reactions

    Delayed and suppressed grief

    Adjusting to change

    Moving forward healthily

    Faith questions – a Christian perspective (optional)

  6. NEW Young and Widowed Support Group (YAWS)
    The death of a spouse or partner is one of the most stressful events in life and can affect every part of you.  Younger widows and widowers in particular face unique challenges and may benefit from specific bereavement support as well as meeting those facing similar pressures.

    Our new Young and Widowed Support Group is an open forum where those affected can meet with others in a relaxed setting for a casual coffee and chat, supported by a Bereavement Counsellor. Held the second Wednesday of the month from 6.30pm to 8pm at St. Michael’s Hospice, the group aims to provide peer-to-peer emotional and practical support to young, widowed people. If you were 55 or under when your spouse or partner died under the care of St. Michael’s Hospice and you feel you would benefit from attending this group, please contact us on the details show below.

“Initially I was not sure how I would feel about being around so many people who were feeling sad and lonely after the death of a loved one, as I didn’t feel that I needed to be reminded of the grief. However, during the first meeting, I was reassured that this was a very positive environment, the team were very supportive and understood every stage of the grieving process. Being with others in different phases of their individual journeys, helped me to realise how I was in fact healing and starting to move on, so much so, that I feel I am now ready to move to the next chapter of my life.”

Bereavement Journey participant

Useful Resources

Listed below are suggested bereavement books and resources to help with pre-bereavement, bereavement for children and young people and adults supporting children. Note that there are also some organisations you may find supportive on our useful links page.

  • Let's talk about dying

  • Pre Bereavement Readings

  • Post Bereavement Reading for Pre-school children

  • Post Bereavement Reading for Children, 5-8 year olds

  • Post Bereavement Reading for Children, 9-12 year olds

  • Post Bereavement Reading for Children, 11-18 year olds

  • Suggested reading for adults supporting bereaved children

  • Supporting bereavement

  • Supporting children and teenagers when someone has a life-limiting illness

  • Talking about dying with people affected by dementia

  • Things to do before you die


Further Information

If you feel you would benefit from any of the services offered by our Bereavement Services, or would like further informations, please contact us on 01256 844744 or email