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Hospice at Home

Our Hospice at Home team offer specialised management of symptoms and end of life support to patients and their families within a patient’s home.

Offering choice when it matters

We understand that, for some people, the thought of going into a hospice can be unsettling, and, for patients’ families, it can often make a worrying situation seem even harder to deal with.

Our philosophy at St. Michael’s Hospice is to always offer our patients a choice about where they would prefer to receive our services. If they wish to stay in the comfort and familiar surroundings of their home, Hospice at Home will ensure that they get the necessary emotional, psychological and practical nursing support that they need.

It can be a difficult subject to talk about but we believe that every person who is faced with life-limiting illness has the right to choose where they die. If that is at home, then we will do everything we can to fulfil that wish.

The Hospice at Home team offers patients and carers access to specialist advice and nursing visits. They work closely with other clinical professionals and care agencies in the community setting.

Like all of St. Michael’s Hospice services, Hospice at Home is provided free of charge with the majority of funding coming from the support of the local community. For more information on how services are funded, please read more here.

Steve Butler

We had 2 weeks of Steve pottering around the house and each day we had the palliative care team coming out. They were wonderful, just giving us all as a family so much care and love. Sammy, our son, loved them all and drew a picture of a dinosaur nurse which now has pride of place on the wall in their office.

Sarah Butler

Is the Hospice at Home service available to me?

Patients who have an advanced progressive disease, irrespective of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity or disability, and who meet the following criteria, are eligible to be referred to St. Michael’s Hospice at Home service. The criteria are:

  • the patient is aged 18 years or over
  • the patient has specialist palliative care needs (e.g. management of symptoms, psychological support)
  • the patient wishes to remain at home as far as their illness and symptoms allow
  • the carer requires additional support to better enable them to continue to care for the patient