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Useful links

We have collected together some other websites and resources which you may find provide helpful information and advice.

Please note that we have other resources specifically related to Covid-19 and different conditions available on our Covid-19 information page.

Resources for patients

Here are a list of books we would recommend and some websites all which may provide support. Where the books or authors themselves have a website, that link has been provided and all the others are available at most major stores and online

  • With the End in Mind by Kathyrn Mannix
  • When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
  • The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominque Bauby
  • Seven Lessons for the Living from the Dying by Dr Karen Wyatt
  • Still Here; Embracing Aging, Changing and Dying by Ram Dass
Being Mortal by Atul Gwande was written by a practising surgeonBeing Mortal
Dear Life by Dr Rachel Clarke, a hospice palliative care doctorDear Life
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. Mitch's discussions with his college professor on the meaning of lifeTuesdays with Morrie
Afternote website. Record messages, final wishes, make bucket lists and other resourcesAfter Note

Stories for Life – Charity which provides the opportunity to record precious memories with free professional audio recordings to serve as a legacy for future generations.

Support for children and young people

As well as the resources below, we would recommend the book Rory’s Story; a Teenager’s Story of Loss by Anna Jacob which is available at the major booksellers. There is also a recommended reading list available on our Bereavement Service page. Winston’s Wish website has a excellent recommended reading list too.

When a parent is diagnosed with cancerrip rap
Child bereavement support in HampshireSimon Says
Support for grieving children and young peopleWinston's Wish
Tough Stuff Journal: someone has died. Journal for a young person to work through with an adultTough Stuff Journal
The Coat I Wear by Max Maxwell deals with the death of a siblingThe Coat I Wear
Support for carers
Supporting someone who is dyingHospice UK
End-of-life care toolkitsHelix Centre
Administration of medication by carersHelix Centre
Support with different conditions
Motor Neurone DiseaseMND Association
PSP and CBDPSP Association
Supporting someone with breathlessnessSupporting Breathlessness Organisation
Bereavement Support

Dying for Beginners: what happens when someone is dying

Support with griefCruse Bereavement Care
Occupational Therapy